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November ’24: Sierra Vista Trail – Anthony Gap, NM
If you drive to the far west tip of Texas, if you brave Interstate 10 and unending desert highways, you will be rewarded with views of...

Edward Sargent Wildlife Management Area, Chama, NM
What makes a cowgirl? The hat? The boots? The horse pushing and spinning until the herd has settled and all are found? No. Cowgirl is a...

Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
The ravens followed us, I’m sure of it, moving off their perch on a nearby hog trap and into the pines. And the dandelions are bigger...

April 13, 2024 – Las Cienegas to Geronimo’s Trail, Peloncillo Mountains
It’s colder today, no doubt a function of yesterday’s wind, but at least it has ceased for now. I imagine it carries a constant presence...

At the confluence of Carson and Santa Fe National Forests and the Chama River Canyon Wilderness, New Mexico
It’s been a minute, since I’ve written to you my love and I am sorry for that. I have been tired, at a loss for words, swept up in this...

Somewhere in New Mexico
When I woke this morning there was snow on the mountain tops, both the Little Hatchet and her big brother to the south. It wasn’t there...

Somewhere in New Mexico
I cannot explain myself to you – nor to me for that matter. But I can tell you, the routine of a life repeated endlessly day after day is...

The Muddy Rio Chama
If I had a secret code, it would be one of eagles and roosters. Of stars nesting among threads of blackness. The simmer of an arced flame...

Gila Wilderness & National Forest, NM
We drive until the pavement ends and then drive some more through an old mining town turned touristville where dilapidated cabins mingle...

Brantley Lake State Park, New Mexico
I am a flannel shirt person, tank top underneath, scrappy jeans and boots below. Button down flopping in the wind and straw above my...

Cloudcroft, New Mexico
The dogs lie panting, tongues lolling sideways. It seems they are constantly panting these days. The air is still. The only other...

Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area
A Mayan city of rock flat topped with squared edges mingles with the turrets of Arabia, the desert asphalt transitions into limestone and...

Chama River Wilderness, Santa Fe National Forest, NM
Sometimes I get tired of fighting the wind. Tired of keeping my head down and shoulders bunched. Yearning to see the blue above. To...
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